viernes, 28 de septiembre de 2012


CON MIS MANOS: NUEVOS TRABAJOS: Bueno, ya es hora que vuelva a enseñaros mis nuevos trabajos manuales, la verdad es que tengo poco tiempo, espero que sepáis disculparme. ...

fe y libertad

1 comentario:

  1. Dear. Great job.

    Ofcourse, what a great site and informative posts.

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    We gain weight either because we consume too many calories, or burn too few, or (most likely, a combination of both). So to lose weight, we need to correct this calorie imbalance by changing our eating and exercise habits. But as we all know, regular habits aren't easily changed, especially if it means cutting out our favorite food treats. The only way to do it is to find a strong weight loss supplement to help us change.

    You can lose your weight by two ways; by doing proper exercise and dieting and other by using weight loss pills. Dieting and exercise methods are very time taking & their result is also suspected. One very important thing is that with these activities we need some supporting supplement for hunger suppression like hoodia or anything else.

    The other and easy way is to take weight loss pills. They are easy to use, time saving and fast working. But these are also of two types: chemical pills and herbal pills and it is obvious that an herbal product is more safe and effective than chemicals.

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    Anyhow keep up the good work.
    Yours faithfully,!


Aviso de la mafia...osea YO!!
En este blog... (osea el mua) hay artículos de todo tipo, vivencias mías, de mi familia, de los plebes del barrio, resumenes de mis viajes psicotrópicos, mis fantasias sexuales con talia, críticas a las (os) pend*jas (os) de mis conocidas (os), crítica social, crítica personal, críticas constructivas, destructiva etc. Tambien tengo muchos articulos extraidos, osea Robados, de otros blogs como el tuyo y ni modo, el que no tranza no avanza. Asi que si te sientes ofendido por que extraje (robé)algun artículo de tu blog... recuerda que hay un Dios!! y probablemente me valla al infierno...algún dia... pero por mientras no te awites hombre...seguiré robandote cosas... así es la vida.. . . Disfrúta mi blog!! cura el SIDA...preguntale a un tio mío...ah no... ya murió sida presisamente...chale...