lunes, 14 de enero de 2013

dolescente fue detenido por crear web con fotos de jóvenes sin su consentimiento

La Policía belga ha detenido a un quinceañero como presunto autor de una página web creada en la red social Facebook, “putas de Amberes”, en la que se mostraban fotos de jóvenes sin su consentimiento, según informa hoy el diario La Libre Belgique.

El perfil de Facebook, creado el 1 de enero, recopilaba imágenes de adolescentes que mostraban poses o vestimentas sugerentes, y fue descubierto por una de las víctimas, una adolescente residente en la localidad de Amberes (norte de Bélgica) que denunció los hechos a la Policía.

Tras una breve investigación, la Policía local ha identificado al presunto autor de la página, que fue interrogado este jueves, tras lo que el caso pasará ahora a manos del Tribunal de Menores.

El joven ha reconocido ser el creador de la web “putas de Amberes”, pero ha negado estar detrás de las réplicas aparecidas posteriormente en otras ciudades de Flandes, región del norte de Bélgica.

A raíz de una conversación entre dos amigos suyos, la citada víctima descubrió una foto suya colgada en la página web que contaba con decenas de comentarios, “la mayoría de ellos obscenos y denigrantes”, según señala La Libre Belgique.

Los padres de la joven denunciaron el suceso a la Policía local, que iniciaron la investigación del caso, al que se fueron sumando nuevas denuncias por parte de otras víctimas.

La red social Facebook bloqueó la página, que contaba con miles de visitas y dio lugar a versiones similares en otras localidades de Bélgica como la propia capital, Bruselas, Brujas, Hasselt, Zelzate o Turnhout.

Las fotografías eran copiadas de los perfiles de Facebook de las víctimas, para ser subidas después a la página bloqueada, donde también aparecía el nombre de las adolescentes. EFE
fe y libertad

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  1. Playing video games can be a very fun activity and it is an activity that people from all around the world enjoy. The information in this article will help you navigate the world of online games without buying a poor game, or one that isn't age-appropriate.

    Keep your computer updated and clear of junk. When playing video games, you will need to limit how many additional programs you install in order to free up enough memory for the games. Maintenance programs are also beneficial to keep your computer fresh and up-to-date. These programs will keep your computer running at its peak performance.

    Pricing is a very important factor to consider when shopping for games. Price is not a good indication of the value of a game. When selecting a new game title, read the information on the back to become more educated about the product. You have nothing to lose by checking out online reviews as well, before purchasing them. Don't buy it if you aren't confident you'll like it.

    Try gaming with your kids. This can be a great way to bond with any children in the household and it's fun, as well as safe. You will also have the opportunity to ensure the games your kids play are appropriate for your family.

    If you come across a difficult game that is causing you to feel frustrated, it is a good idea to put it aside for awhile and return to it later. If you're not playing particularly well, try switching to another game to avoid frustration. Avoid frustration as it can negate the positive aspects of gaming.

    Downloadable content (DLC) is available from many popular online gaming. Those are bells and whistles at an extra cost. Pay attention to the price tag before you buy. Some times buying DLC games can be two to three times more expensive than a single game.

    Update your graphic drivers. If you do a lot of your gaming on your computer, you probably will want to have as clear a picture as possible. This is why you need the current graphic drivers. You can venture on over to the device manager section on your computer and see your latest graphic driver, then head to manufacturer's site to see if any new updates became available.

    Think about going to a gaming arcade in another town. Some people just like to game at home using personal consoles. But it can be fun to get out of the house and join in the communal activities that an arcade offers. You can socialize and take friends with you. You can meet new people with similar interests.

    There are many consoles out on the market, so it may be tough to find the best one for you. First, you should determine what your needs are. Once you do so, search extra features that the playstation offers. Do your research by using the Internet. Reviews of the different systems can be easily found. Be informed before you buy your games ps3.

    Reserve games that are high in demand to ensure that you will get a copy. You may get special bonuses when ordering early. The bonuses could be some special features, outfits, or anything that could help you when it comes to playing. The only way you can get them is by ordering early.

    Figure out how to operate the safety and parental controls of any gaming system that comes into your home. You can likely make adjustments that keep kids from viewing mature content. Some allow each gaming profile to be customized separately, allowing adults to enjoy games not meant for younger audiences.

    With the right recommendations and tricks at your fingertips, you never have to feel like a video gaming novice again. Keep this piece close so that you can easily navigate the gaming world. Even if you are an experienced gamer, you can use ideas from the above article to enhance your gaming experience.

  2. Nearly every home in the world has some sort of video gaming device. Some people play online gaming as a livelihood, while others play for leisure. No matter why you are playing, games are not going anywhere. The advice below is truly priceless.

    You should play with the specific equipment needed for the game of your choosing. You may need more than just one controller. Search online or look at the game box to find out what equipment you require. This gives you a heads up so that you can get what is needed beforehand.

    Pricing is a very important factor to consider when shopping for games. Price is not a good indication of the value of a game. When selecting a new game title, read the information on the back to become more educated about the product. You have nothing to lose by checking out online reviews as well, before purchasing them. Don't buy it if you aren't confident you'll like it.

    The biggest choice to make as you enter the world of gaming is: computer or wii? A lot of games come on many platforms, which gives you a lot of flexibility. But depending on the game, it might be best to play certain ones on a particular platform since it works best.

    There are several websites that you can visit to determine if a game meets certain requirements for the computer. After you download it, it will say whether you have the necessary requirements for that specific game. If you don't like downloading things, bear in mind that you could just get the information and then delete the download.

    Think about stopping by video games arcades in other locations. Many people now enjoy playing online games at their homes by themselves. If you go out of town to an arcade, you can enjoy your games along with some human interaction.

    Nintendo's Wii online game system is good for people who want to get in shape and increase physical activity levels. The Wii works with your own body movements and has an array of games that incorporate fitness.

    Sequels don't always suck. Game sequels are usually better than the original games. To get some background material about the story, just read the box. As well, you can find intelligence about the initial game by reading the reviews about it online.

    Play online as much as possible. Pitting yourself against the skills of other online players can improve your gaming skills and strategies. You might want to try Role Playing Games or RPGs as a way to branch out from common xbox gaming. If you can master playing online, you can master any game you try.

    If possible, try games out before you buy them at your local library. Most public libraries offer video games that can be checked out for free. The library usually has game titles for all different systems, so simply call ahead and see if they have the title you want.

    Figure out how to operate the safety and parental controls of any gaming system that comes into your home. You can likely make adjustments that keep kids from viewing mature content. Some allow each gaming profile to be customized separately, allowing adults to enjoy games not meant for younger audiences.

    No matter where you are playing the game you will have a great time! Keep learning so you can always be on top of the best suggestions and techniques.


Aviso de la mafia...osea YO!!
En este blog... (osea el mua) hay artículos de todo tipo, vivencias mías, de mi familia, de los plebes del barrio, resumenes de mis viajes psicotrópicos, mis fantasias sexuales con talia, críticas a las (os) pend*jas (os) de mis conocidas (os), crítica social, crítica personal, críticas constructivas, destructiva etc. Tambien tengo muchos articulos extraidos, osea Robados, de otros blogs como el tuyo y ni modo, el que no tranza no avanza. Asi que si te sientes ofendido por que extraje (robé)algun artículo de tu blog... recuerda que hay un Dios!! y probablemente me valla al infierno...algún dia... pero por mientras no te awites hombre...seguiré robandote cosas... así es la vida.. . . Disfrúta mi blog!! cura el SIDA...preguntale a un tio mío...ah no... ya murió sida presisamente...chale...

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