lunes, 14 de octubre de 2013

para los amantes de los diamantes miren estos diamantes con forma de ataud


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Mordaunte's Coffin Shaped Gemstones & Jewelry Are A Spooky Way To Sparkle.


Mordaunte's Coffin-Shaped Gems and Jewelry specializes in semi-precious faceted gemstones, cut into a perfect 6-sided coffin shape by exclusive contract with an international gemstone company. Gemstones include colors such as Blood, Death, Shroud, Moss, Flesh, Scalded, and Pentacle. In stock sizes range from 3 to 10 carats.

"So far, I am the only one in the world that does this", states Mordaunte - owner, designer and creator (shown below).

In addition to the gemstones, she designs and creates finished jewelry in both men's and women's fashions. These include rings, earrings, pendants, and tie tacks, done in sterling silver as well as 14k gold. In keeping with the coffin-shaped design, purchases are even shipped in a cardboard coffin-shaped box. Mordaunte's clients buy her jewelry for costume decoration, funerary wear, immortalizing a departed loved one, wedding sets, and everyday wear with a "kick". "Most people don't realize it's a coffin shape until you tell them - they just comment that it's a beautiful stone", says Mordaunte, "When I mention that it's a coffin shape, they gasp - "That's awesome!". Many customers refer to her business as "The Morbid Tiffany's".

Mordaunte started her custom coffin-shaped gemstone "business" from her desk in her basement in the spring of 2000. She offered 3 different stone materials in two sizes. She then set up a internet service-provider website and went into business. Slowly, but surely, the business grew both in the USA and Internationally. More and more interest was revolving around her unusual gemstones, especially the idea of offering them in pre-made jewelry. Being in the IT field, she had never set a piece of jewelry in my life. However, after much research and "trial and error" she started setting her gemstones in oval and marquise pre-made settings.

As the business continued to grow it took on a life of it's own. Mordaunte began supplying jewelry to celebrities and rock bands that had found her online site. She was invited by the people at OzzFest to be a vendor on their tour. Radio stations and TV shows asked her for interviews. Haunted Houses, Horror Conventions and Gothic Nightclubs contacted her to be a guest and a vendor at their events. In 2005 Mordaunte re-designed the coffin gemstone shape to the perfect 6-sided coffin you see today and has added several colors to her line since then.

The coffin-shaped gems have made many a wicked woman happy and have been used as engagement rings, such as in the examples shown below.

A white topaz coffin gem surrounded by real diamonds makes for an unusual engagement ring:

above black glove image (cropped) © All rights reserved by Countessa Di Fangxious

Other jewelers use her stones as a source for their own creations, such as Lyndsay Brown of Idle Hands Designs on etsy who makes them into pendants, rings and cufflinks set in sterling silver:

shop for the above jewelry at Idle Hands

Coffin Gems and Jewelry Facts:
•All Coffin Gems are cut from genuine semi-precious stones such as sapphire and garnet
•The perfect 6-sided "toe pincher" coffin shape is exclusive to Mordaunte's Coffin Gems
•Each Coffin Gem is expertly faceted, polished and inspected by a professional gemologist
•Sizes are exact - weights are approximate (different gemstone materials weigh differently)
•Visit the Birthstones page for traditional and modern birthstone color charts
•Visit the Gemstones page for color choices and size comparison
•Each piece of jewelry is custom designed in Sterling Silver to hold the Coffin Gems, but is available in other settings upon request

Mordaunte's Coffin-Shaped Gems and Jewelry can be viewed and purchased at her online store -
Mordaunte's Coffin-Shaped Gems and Jewelry can be viewed and purchased at her online store -

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En este blog... (osea el mua) hay artículos de todo tipo, vivencias mías, de mi familia, de los plebes del barrio, resumenes de mis viajes psicotrópicos, mis fantasias sexuales con talia, críticas a las (os) pend*jas (os) de mis conocidas (os), crítica social, crítica personal, críticas constructivas, destructiva etc. Tambien tengo muchos articulos extraidos, osea Robados, de otros blogs como el tuyo y ni modo, el que no tranza no avanza. Asi que si te sientes ofendido por que extraje (robé)algun artículo de tu blog... recuerda que hay un Dios!! y probablemente me valla al infierno...algún dia... pero por mientras no te awites hombre...seguiré robandote cosas... así es la vida.. . . Disfrúta mi blog!! cura el SIDA...preguntale a un tio mío...ah no... ya murió sida presisamente...chale...

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