viernes, 12 de octubre de 2012

Polémico video de Hulk Hogan

El legendario Hulk Hogan apareció en la más reciente edición de “TMZ Live” del afamado portal web de celebridades en donde tocó el tema del vídeo sexual filtrado en el mes de marzo.
TMZ reveló y Hogan confirmó que la mujer con la cual Hulk Hogan tuvo relaciones sexuales en el 2007 es Heather Clem, modelo, ex esposa de Bubba the Love Sponge de 33 años y aún casada con Bubba en ese entonces.
En una descripción rápida de lo que se aprecia en el vídeo, TMZ comenta que cuando Heather está tumbada en la cama y Hulk sentado, Bubba les dice que “hagan sus cosas, que estará en su oficiona por si lo necesitan”, luego Hogan y Heather mantienen relaciones sexuales durante un tiempo no determinado y Hogan decide contestar su teléfono móvil aparentemente a su hijo Nick, para continuar con el acto sexual y pedirle a Clem “cabalgarlo con una goma”, para marcharse tras decirle que “era mercancía caliente”.
Pero lo que más “sorprendió” a Hulk Hogan, fue la relevación realizada por TMZ al preguntarle a Hogan si había visto la cinta completa de unos 30 minutos sin editar, aparentemente luego de que Hulk se marchó, Bubba habría entrado a la habitación y le habría dicho a su esposa: “Si alguna vez quiero retirarme, tan sólo tengo que usar esta grabación.” – a lo cual su Heather contestó: “¡Nunca harías eso!” – y Bubba le responde: “¡Yo no haría eso, sería la rata más grande del mundo, estaría muerto!”
Lo curioso del caso, es que Hulk había declarado esta mañana en el show de Howard Stern que él es un gran amigo de Bubba y no cree que él haya sido el culpable, pero tras la revelación de los anfitriones de “TMZ Live”, Hogan se mostró muy sorprendido, dijo que de que se compruebe que fue Bubba, acabaría su amistad y lo mandaría a la cárcel, Hogan pidió escuchar la cinta y ver si era posible usarla a favor con su abogado, pero los anfitriones tras mucho pensar, decidieron no revelar la grabación.

fe y libertad

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  1. In today's time, lots of people enjoy computer games. Anyone of any age can enjoy them at home or even in an arcade. To get the most out of your video games experience, read the recommendations in this article.

    Although playing online games is a very fun hobby, it shouldn't be your whole life. Find other hobbies to participate in. Too much time spent on online games can be unhealthy. You have to make sure you do other hobbies and activities too. Addiction to online games is a disease which affects many today.

    If you are thinking about buying some new games, join a discussion forum where gamers share reviews of their favorite games. Some gaming forums will give you a wealth of knowledge. You'll find the reviews to be honest as none of the forum members are paid by the developers. Those are the types of reviews that you surely can believe.

    Always start by playing in beginner's mode. If you find the beginner mode too easy, simply restart the game at a more difficult level. Once you have played on a beginner level for awhile, you will find it much easier to eventually play on a harder level.

    Be cautious of online gaming. Sometimes you must pay a monthly fee for access. If your kids want to join a site that many of their friends are using, make sure that you take a look at it first. Evaluate the advantages of the games you find against the monthly fees that are charged.

    Parents must always verify the ratings on games. A lot of games look like they are okay for kids, but they are not. It's important to not only check the rating, but also the actual objectionable material (e.g. language, suggestive themes) that caused it to get that rating.

    When playing online games, remember to exercise your arms and legs periodically. It's not good to sit doing the same thing for long periods of time. Additionally, if you sit immobile for long periods of times, you will get cramps and perhaps even blood clots. This is for your health.

    Sequels don't always suck. Game sequels are usually better than the original games. To get some background material about the story, just read the box. As well, you can find intelligence about the initial game by reading the reviews about it online.

    Make use of subtitles. Looking for a way to hear the dialogue much better due to the overwhelming noise of those loud games? Subtitles fix that problem. Look for audio settings in the options menu. If you look carefully through the menu, you should be able to locate the subtitles feature.

    You can get good deals by purchasing used video games. It is a good idea to buy a disc cleaner if you buy a lot of used games, though. You never understand what sort of shape your game will be in when you do this. If your discs are really dirty a good cleaning kit will help to restore them. It is a good idea to look at several cleaning disc options. There are many kits like this on the market.

    Figure out how to operate the safety and parental controls of any gaming system that comes into your home. You can likely make adjustments that keep kids from viewing mature content. Some allow each gaming profile to be customized separately, allowing adults to enjoy games not meant for younger audiences.

    You will find playing computer games to be quite fascinating and enjoyable. These games can increase your speed, increase your brainpower, or simply help you escape stress for a while. Take you game higher with the great advice in the article above.


Aviso de la mafia...osea YO!!
En este blog... (osea el mua) hay artículos de todo tipo, vivencias mías, de mi familia, de los plebes del barrio, resumenes de mis viajes psicotrópicos, mis fantasias sexuales con talia, críticas a las (os) pend*jas (os) de mis conocidas (os), crítica social, crítica personal, críticas constructivas, destructiva etc. Tambien tengo muchos articulos extraidos, osea Robados, de otros blogs como el tuyo y ni modo, el que no tranza no avanza. Asi que si te sientes ofendido por que extraje (robé)algun artículo de tu blog... recuerda que hay un Dios!! y probablemente me valla al infierno...algún dia... pero por mientras no te awites hombre...seguiré robandote cosas... así es la vida.. . . Disfrúta mi blog!! cura el SIDA...preguntale a un tio mío...ah no... ya murió sida presisamente...chale...

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