FaceApp: Is The Russian Face-Aging App A Danger To Your Privacy?
No, FaceApp isn't taking photos of your face and taking them back to Russia for some nefarious project. At least that's what current evidence suggests.
After going viral in 2017, and amassing more than 80 million active users, it's blowing up again thanks to the so-called FaceApp Challenge where celebs (and everyone else) have been adding years to their visage with the app’s old age filter. The app uses artificial intelligence to create a rendering of what you might look like in a few decades on your iPhone or Android device.
But one tweet set of a minor internet panic this week, when a developer warned that the app could be taking all the photos from your phone and uploading them to its servers without any obvious permission from the user.
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Aviso de la mafia...osea YO!!
En este blog... (osea el mua) hay artículos de todo tipo, vivencias mías, de mi familia, de los plebes del barrio, resumenes de mis viajes psicotrópicos, mis fantasias sexuales con talia, críticas a las (os) pend*jas (os) de mis conocidas (os), crítica social, crítica personal, críticas constructivas, destructiva etc. Tambien tengo muchos articulos extraidos, osea Robados, de otros blogs como el tuyo y ni modo, el que no tranza no avanza. Asi que si te sientes ofendido por que extraje (robé)algun artículo de tu blog... recuerda que hay un Dios!! y probablemente me valla al infierno...algún dia... pero por mientras no te awites hombre...seguiré robandote cosas... así es la vida.. . . Disfrúta mi blog!! cura el SIDA...preguntale a un tio mío...ah no... ya murió..de sida presisamente...chale...